Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Male Sex-Mind

The male sex-mind. Yes, those two terms are an oxymoron. HOWEVER, I write romance novels, erotica mainly, and sometimes I read romance novels so I'm abreast of what bodice-ripping, crotch-grabbing antics my fellow novelists are up to.

The other night in the midst of a bodice-ripping, crotch-grabbing session with Mr. Snark, I posited a research question to him that I had given a great deal of consideration and contemplation to. (Ah, I love being able to end  the sentence like that. So good...)

Mrs. Snark said:
The heroes in romance novels are always thinking about how much they admire the heroine's intelligence, spirit, resourcefulness, sense of humor, courage, etc. Usually in the middle of a really steamy sex scene, which demonstrates how much they truly admire and respect the heroine before they get with the bodice ripping.
Mr. Snark said:
Mrs. Snark said:
So, is that accurate? What does a man really think about during sex?
Mr. Snark said:
About getting his dick into her whoo hoo.
Mrs. Snark said:
Really? Nothing else more romantic?

Mr. Snark said:
Mrs. Snark said:
Hmm, I suspected as much.

And so, there you have it ladies. The male sex-mind thinks about getting laid. Nothing more, and probably a lot less.

*Egads, Mr. Snark is a pig!


  1. Isn't it sad how shallow men can be at certain times? However, we write the female fantasy. We're allowed to expand on those thoughts.

  2. Hi Sandra,
    Sad and funny, but ya gotta love 'em. I think there's enormous potential in the male pov, especially if you write romantic comedy. :-)
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I get excited and bounce when I get a comment from a real person instead of a spam bot.
